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Disable Auto Minify

If your site is still using deprecated features for Auto Minify, disable Auto Minify via the Cloudflare dashboard or API.


To disable Auto Minify via the Cloudflare dashboard:

  1. Log into the Cloudflare Dashboard.
  2. Go to Speed > Optimization.
  3. Go to Content Optimization.
  4. For Auto Minify, deselect all options.


Before you begin

You will need:

  • An API token with the following permissions:
    • Zone - Zone Settings - Edit
    • Zone - Zone Settings - Read

(Optional) Check zone status

To check your zone’s Auto Minify status, send a GET request to the /zones/<ZONE_ID>/settings/minify endpoint.

cURL example
curl '<ZONE_ID>/settings/minify' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <CF_API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"

You will get the following response. If any of the values in the highlighted line are "on", then you need to disable them.

Example response
"result": {
"id": "minify",
"value": { "css": "off", "html": "off", "js": "off" },
"modified_on": null,
"editable": true
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []

Disable with the API

To disable Auto Minify for your zone, send a PATCH request to the /zones/<ZONE_ID>/settings/minify endpoint.

cURL example
curl -X PATCH '<ZONE_ID>/settings/minify' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <CF_API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"value":{"css":"off","html":"off","js":"off"}}'

If successful, you will get something similar to this response. The value for success should be true.

Example disabled response
"result": {
"id": "minify",
"value": { "js": "off", "css": "off", "html": "off" },
"modified_on": "2024-08-15T19:32:20.882640Z",
"editable": true
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"messages": []