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Build configuration

You may tell Cloudflare Pages how your site needs to be built as well as where its output files will be located.

Build commands and directories

You should provide a build command to tell Cloudflare Pages how to build your application. For projects not listed here, consider reading the tool’s documentation or framework, and submit a pull request to add it here.

Build directories indicates where your project’s build command outputs the built version of your Cloudflare Pages site. Often, this defaults to the industry-standard public, but you may find that you need to customize it.

Understanding your build configuration

The build command is provided by your framework. For example, the Gatsby framework uses gatsby build as its build command. When you are working without a framework, leave the Build command field blank. Pages determines whether a build has succeeded or failed by reading the exit code returned from the user supplied build command. Any non-zero return code will cause a build to be marked as failed. An exit code of 0 will cause the Pages build to be marked as successful and assets will be uploaded regardless of if error logs are written to standard error.

The build directory is generated from the build command. Each framework has its own naming convention, for example, the build output directory is named /public for many frameworks.

The root directory is where your site’s content lives. If not specified, Cloudflare assumes that your linked git repository is the root directory. The root directory needs to be specified in cases like monorepos, where there may be multiple projects in one repository.

Framework presets

Cloudflare maintains a list of build configurations for popular frameworks and tools. These are accessible during project creation. Below are some standard build commands and directories for popular frameworks and tools.

If you are not using a preset, use exit 0 as your Build command.

Framework/tool Build command Build directory
Create React App npm run build build
Gatsby npx gatsby build public
Next.js npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages@1 .vercel/output/static
Next.js (Static HTML Export) npx next build out
Nuxt.js npm run build dist
Qwik npm run build dist
Remix npm run build build/client
Svelte npm run build public
SvelteKit npm run build .svelte-kit/cloudflare
Vue npm run build dist
Analog npm run build dist/analog/public
Astro npm run build dist
Angular npm run build dist/cloudflare
Brunch npx brunch build --production public
Docusaurus npm run build build
Elder.js npm run build public
Eleventy npx @11ty/eleventy _site
Ember.js npx ember-cli build dist
GitBook npx gitbook-cli build _book
Gridsome npx gridsome build dist
Hugo hugo public
Jekyll jekyll build _site
MkDocs mkdocs build site
Pelican pelican content output
React Static react-static build dist
Slate ./ build
Umi npx umi build dist
VitePress npx vitepress build .vitepress/dist
Zola zola build public

Environment variables

If your project makes use of environment variables to build your site, provide custom environment variables:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account.
  2. In Account Home, select Workers & Pages.
  3. In Overview, select your Pages project.
  4. Select Settings > Environment variables.

The following system environment variables are injected by default (but can be overridden):

Environment VariableInjected valueExample use-case
CF_PAGES1Changing build behaviour when run on Pages versus locally
CF_PAGES_COMMIT_SHA<sha1-hash-of-current-commit>Passing current commit ID to error reporting, for example, Sentry
CF_PAGES_BRANCH<branch-name-of-current-deployment>Customizing build based on branch, for example, disabling debug logging on production
CF_PAGES_URL<url-of-current-deployment>Allowing build tools to know the URL the page will be deployed at

Language support and tools

Moved to Language support and tools.