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Cache performance

Optimize cache ratios

Depending on the cache status you receive, you can make modifications to improve your cache ratio. To review the list of cache statuses, refer to Cloudflare cache responses.

  • Dynamic: Default response for many file types including HTML. To cache additional content, refer to Cache Rules.
  • Revalidated: To address an atypical quantity of revalidated content, consider increasing your Edge Cache TTLs.
  • Expired: Consider extending Edge Cache TTLs) for these resources via a Page Rule or enable revalidation at your origin.
  • Miss: Although tricky to optimize, there are a few potential remedies:

Example reports for troubleshooting cache performance

Several examples of helpful insights into your site performance via Cache Analytics include:

  • Not caching HTML.

    • Identify the issue: Select Add filter and select Cache status equals Dynamic.
    • Resolution: Set a Cloudflare Page Rule to cache dynamic content.
  • Short cache expiration TTL.

  • Need to enable Tiered Cache or Custom Cache Key

    • Identify the issue: Select Add filter and select Cache status equals Miss.
    • Resolution: Enable Argo Tiered Caching or create a custom cache key.